July 19

Jenny Barlow &

Angela Williams

Episode 9: A New Nature Reserve

in Southern Scotland

In this episode:

Using a unique community land ownership approach, the new Tarras Valley Nature Reserve project is creating a valued gift for future generations. Initiated just a few years ago, the reserve has grown from nothing to 10,500 acres, making it one of the largest protected areas for nature in Southern Scotland. Jenny and her team, while focused primarily on habitat and wildlife restoration, also consistently include local school children in the unfolding of the reserve's many initiatives.  

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Tarras Valley Nature Reserve

[Community Owned Organization]

Scotland is one of the most nature depleted countries on earth, with a concentrated pattern of land ownership meaning only 3% of land is currently within community ownership and in many rural areas like Langholm, there is a lack of economic opportunities for young people. Community land ownership is about creating something better to hand onto future generations. By fostering a strong sense of ownership and connection with the land, we can leave behind a legacy that is rich in nature, cultural heritage, and economic opportunities.

Tarras Valley Nature Reserve

An ambitious community led project to restore nature.


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