Frans Schepers

August 27

Episode 10: Ensuring the Ongoing

Rewilding of Europe

In this episode:

Rewilding is a growing phenomenon around the world but getting a new project launched and keeping it going through the early phases can be exceedingly challenging. There is always seemingly too much to do and not enough resources to do it all. Frans Schepers, CEO of Rewidling Europe talks about he and his team assist Rewilding entrepreneurs from all across Europe with important tools and ongoing connection with others so that each Rewilding project is never alone and has the very best chances of success and longevity.

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Frans Schepers: "We have lost trust in nature"

"The idea of rewilding is ten to twelve years old. It is about a paradigm shift thinking to restore nature on a large scale," says Frans Schepers in a video interview with GDI. By removing dams and dikes, for example, wetland biotopes such as floodplains could be restored. The establishment of key species would also play a major role, says Schepers. But most of the work would be done by nature itself. As a rule, human intervention is only necessary at the beginning to create the right conditions, he said. "We help nature to restore itself," he says.

Anghel Drașovean

New bison herds arrive in Southern Carpathians on ten-year rewilding anniversary

A decade on from the first release of European bison in the Southern Carpathians, two new groups have just arrived in the landscape. The animals will support further population growth and enhance genetic diversity, amplifying the positive climate, biodiversity and community impact of this iconic keystone species.


A New Nature Reserve in Southern Scotland