Part 1 June 14

Part 2 June 19

Shane Gero

Episode 5 & 6: A New Caribbean Wildlife Sanctuary:

Dominica Whale Project

In this episode:

Shane Gero is the Scientist-in-Residence in the Department of Biology at Carleton University in Canada.  He is a marine biologist and renowned expert in the acoustic complexity and social behaviors of marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Importantly, he is also an activist and stanch advocate for providing meaningful sanctuary for these species in the world oceans. 

 His most recent work in the Caribbean ocean centered around Dominica included thousands of hours of field work and has played a role in finally establishing what will soon be the largest marine sanctuary ever created in the Caribbean, and the first ever in the world large-protected area for sperm whales. 

Scientists Find an ‘Alphabet’ in Whale Sounds

Learn More

Ted Talk: How advanced is Whale talk

Preserving Animal Cultures: Lessons from Whale Wisdom

The Lost Culture of Whales


Helping Grizzly Bears Get Where They Want to Go. Dr. Sarah Sells: Montana C.R.U.


A One-Million Acre Vision. Andreia Pawl: Orange River-Karoo Conservation Area